Feeling Strong-ish

Last night was a cadence interval workout, and I nailed it. As in, “damn, girl — you fast!” nailed it. I’ve upped my minimum cadence during the intervals, and over the course of the workout (15 one-minute intervals) I averaged a minimum cadence of 177 spm.

I also think I’ve figured out the course of the Kim’s Bad Knee 5K. This route came in at the perfect distance. I’d like it to be more winding, but I don’t know if I can create a winding route that doesn’t backtrack over previously-trod paths; more importantly, I don’t know if I can re-create that route for the race course. The route I did last night is repeatable, and it’s got a lot of crazy single-track twists. Continue reading

Back in Training

Over the spring & summer, I managed to regain nearly all of the ten pounds I lost last fall & winter. I just wasn’t working as hard, and I certainly wasn’t paying enough attention to my diet — and it’s always more fun to put on weight than to take it off. Now that my backpacking is mostly done for the season, it’s time to go back to working on my body. Continue reading