BMC50K: Six Weeks to Go

I’ve been hesitant to write, because I don’t want every blog post to be a rehash of “OMG I’m so nervous I won’t be able to do this but I’m going to be optimistic and do my best.” Seriously, even if I’m the only one who’ll ever read this, I don’t want to keep writing that.

The sun is out today, which is a much-needed treat. Besides the ridiculous amount of snow and freezing rain we’ve had this winter, we also haven’t seen the sun as much as we usually do. I can handle the endless cold; endless cold, endless grey, endless “how is it possible there’s still snow on the ground in February?” combine to be too too much for me. There’s a reason I fell in love with the east side of the Cascade Curtain, and it has a LOT to do with our weather. 300 days of sunshine: that’s what I signed up for, not fog and grey skies and temperature inversions. Continue reading

BMC Training, Day 118

I haven’t gone for today’s run yet, but I’m taking the opportunity (while breakfast is settling) to write.

I ran yesterday; it was my first run in ten days. I’m still feeling the rhinovirus, but I believed I was ready to start training. I didn’t want to leap into this weekend’s workouts – 18 miles Saturday, 10 miles Sunday – without a test-run. I went for a run along the bike path in Pasco. The City plowed it a short while ago. (The section between the BNSF railroad bridge & Road 40 is the only cleared section.) It started snowing Thursday night, but I figured the snow would be light enough that I’d be able to run the bike path without trouble. Continue reading