Trash “Run”

#beatyesterday #garmin

I brought along a trash bag to carry out trash I found along the trail. Fortunately, I found another bag along the way. I dumped the stuff the non-recyclable stuff at the Chamna parking lot. I still had so much stuff I decided to walk instead of run back to the truck.

10K-ish Run

#beatyesterday #garmin

I’m happy with this workout. It’s been a lazy week because I’ve been tending to a cat wearing a Cone of Doom. 😿 I pushed myself during this run, and the pace shows it. The Deception Pass half marathon is in three weeks, and my body is unprepared for the elevation gain & loss on that course. I’m hopeful I can beat the cut-offs, though.


#beatyesterday #garmin

The road on the south side of the canal still has a bit of snow and it has a lot of mud – sticky, soupy mud. The road on the north side is drier, and in places I could see my tracks from last Friday.

Hill Intervals

#beatyesterday #garmin

I’m kinda weary of running on snow, but I need to get in as much hill work as possible over the next month, and right now that means running on snow. On the plus side, it made the cliffs on the east bank of the Columbia River really stand out. (This view is of Candy and Rattlesnake Mountains.)