Wind River to Bridge of the Gods Hike

Dried out, recharged, I headed back out to the Pacific Crest Trail. I didn’t start until about 3:30 Thursday afternoon. I wish I’d gotten on the trail earlier, but I managed to get a fair number of chores done before I left. Also, if I’d been on the trail earlier, I wouldn’t have camped where I did Thursday night, and that means I wouldn’t have seen the bear Friday morning.  Continue reading

It’s Almost Here!

If you know me, you probably know that I’m a neurotic over-planner. My solo hike along Section J of Washington’s PCT starts in three days, but I’ve put a lot of thought and planning into this. My pack is almost packed (still need to re-do my first aid kit, still need to buy the last few bits of food for my lunches); now, I just wait.

The waiting is more acute because I’m going to be in Leavenworth Wednesday-Friday for job-related training. I want my bag packed & ready to go tonight, so I can just load it into the truck tomorrow morning and not worry about anything. Continue reading